Utrecht University

Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Established in 1636, Utrecht University has evolved into a leading modern comprehensive research university. The project will be carried out on the premises of the Institute for Theoretical Physics –Department of Physics, Faculty of Science. This institute consists of 22 Principal Investigators, 12 Postdocs, and 33 PhDs. The  group Theory and Simulation of Soft Matter, Hydrodynamics, and Biophysics led by Dr. Joost de Graaf is additionally embedded in  the section Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics. This section consists  of 12 Principal Investigators, 2 full-time technicians, approximately 30 PhD students, and  6 Postdocs.  

The De Graaf group investigates the  impact of hydrodynamic interactions on a wide range of soft-matter and  microbial systems, including systems with arrested dynamics, such as  colloidal gels and glasses. Relevant to the project is the code-base  development currently undertaken by a PhD student working on gelation via the  NWO Klein grant (OCENW.KLEIN.354) “Stability of Colloidal Gels: Friction  versus Hydrodynamics” (2020-2024).

Contact Person

J. de Graaf
