Academic and industrial training


Organize, implement, and monitor the training programme of CoCoGel


Task 6.1: Establish Individual Career Development Plan (ICDP) for each ESR. Produced together with their supervisors to set goals, record and assess progress. The ICDP (reviewed every 6 months) will serve as a formal record of meetings with supervisors (on monthly basis), progress, and training and developmental activities attended (section 1.3)

Task 6.2: Organize and follow industrial secondments of ESRs. All ESRs will be trained for a period of at least 18 months (50% of PhD duration) in non-academic partners. Long-time secondments will be monitored by G. Petekidis (FORTH)

Task 6.3: Organize ESRs’ short-time visits. Short-time secondments monitored by V. Garbin (TUD)

Task 6.4: Organize workshops. Two-2 day workshops will be organized at CNRS and TUD (section 1.3, T2) where ESRs will present their work. Lectures will be given by senior PIs of beneficiaries, associated partners and by external specialists.

Task 6.5: Organize a summer school and an international conference. Two open events of high impact will be organized: A 5-day summer school at UGR and the final international conference at FORTH (see 1.3 and T2 and T3).

Task 6.6: Organize Industrial training and exploitation meeting: Two industrial meetings will be organized at UNIL and INPRO, by the CoCoGel ESRs

Task 6.7: Organize training in soft skills: A 3-day course will be organized at UEDIN

Task 6.8: Mentoring of ESRs towards PhD graduation. The Recruitment and Career Committee will closely follow the progress of all ESRs towards a PhD degree and their participation and presentation in conferences in collaboration with the (co-)supervisors and report any problems to the SB.